The monument of St. Szymon
Go to the monument of St. Szymon of Lipnica, which stands in the square. It is one of the most characteristic points in Lipnica Murowana. Look up: the saint is represented in a characteristic pose, while giving a vivid sermon. The monument was ordered by the Lipnica community (including countrymen living in the USA) and made in 1913 by the sculptor Henryk Kunzek. There are four reliefs on the plinth depicting St. Szymon helping the poor, as well as the Polish and Lithuanian coats of arms and the coat of arms of Lipnica. It also features the following inscription: Bogu i Ojczyźnie na chwałę, potomnym na wzór i otuchę. Świętemu ziomkowi Lipniczanie.
St. Szymon’s decision to be a preacher was inspired by St. Jan Kapistran, the founder of the Bernardine branch of the Franciscan order, whom Szymon met in Cracow in 1454.
Following his example, Szymon undertook preaching, which required broad erudition, excellent knowledge of the Holy Scripture and Christian philosophy, as well as charisma that can move the people. St. Szymon possessed all these qualities. Apparently, “there was no sinner impenitent enough not to return home with a resolution of improvement”.
This is why he advanced from the rank of a common preacher to the cathedral preacher: his sermons were attended by kings and courtiers, professors and students, as well as the whole population of Cracow. Following the example of his master, St. Jan Kapistran, Szymon often interrupted his sermons exclaiming “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”, for which he was accused by the Cracow Chapter of abusing God’s name; fortunately the accusations were dismissed.