Saint Catherine
from the church in Iwanowice


Saint Catherine from the church in Iwanowice

Author: Author unknown
Date of creation: around 1480
Dimensions: height 122 cm, width 49 cm, depth 34 cm
Technique: wooden sculpture, painted, gilded

The saint is shown as a young, slender woman standing and wearing a crown. She has long, dark hair. She is dressed in a green gown and a gold-and-navy cloak that flows down to the ground. In her right hand, the saint holds a sword with a gold hilt, and the blade pointing down. From under the cloak pokes out a bearded man, the emperor Maxentius, the saint’s persecutor. She tramples him, standing on his back. From behind the woman’s right side emerges a fragment of a circle, reaching her hips. The sculpture is placed in the museum on a wooden pedestal.

Saint Catherine’s crown is golden, decorated with a series of flowers. They are set vertically, running around the upper edge of the crown. Her brown hair tumbles in thick curls to the elbows of her bent arms. They flow down onto a golden cloak. The saint’s face is perfectly smooth, almost white. Her high forehead is distinctly convex. The thin eyebrow arches rise slightly above the light eyes that look thoughtful. There is a hint of a smile on her expressive lips. The saint’s silhouette bends in a way characteristic of medieval art.

The woman’s head is tilted towards left shoulder and her narrow shoulders are tilted to her right. The left hip is bent to her left. The whole silhouette forms a shape resembling a capital letter S.

The green gown hugs the shapely breasts and narrow waist. It widens from the waist, heavily pleated. It is decorated with patterns in the shape of golden rhombuses and a belt. The saint’s cloak is a large cape fastened with a belt at her collarbones. It flows in numerous folds down the back and shoulders, to the ground. The woman holds the right edge of the cloak with her left hand. Its navy-blue underside is turned back to front.

The man is proportionally much smaller than the saint. He lies on his stomach. His feet are on our left. He raises his head, supporting himself on his hands. The man has brown skin and wears a golden diadem. He has long black curly hair. His bushy beard reaches his chest. It is a hollow sculpture.


Multisensory UNESCO 6 – Saint Catherine from the church in Iwanowice