Model of the church in Szalowa
Author: Author unknown
Date of creation: around 1740
Dimensions: height and width 64 cm, depth 105 cm
Technique: wooden model, carved, painted with watercolours
The model shows a three-aisled church. The facade has two towers with tapering domes painted brown. The roof over the nave is gabled. Its unpainted surface has the colour of brown wood. At the top of the roof of the church model rises a turret. The two aisles, which are lower, are covered with single-pitched roofs. The back of the model is a chancel closed with three walls. One straight and two diagonal. The walls of the church are painted white. The upper part of the right tower and several other elements remain unpainted. The surface shows traces of paint abrasion and has numerous irregularities.
The facade has three doors: one pair in the nave and one in each aisle. They are cut out in the wooden wall. The facade has five rectangular windows and one round window. The latter is situated on the gable wall, which is the triangular section under the sloping parts of the roof.
The rectangular windows are in two rows above the doors. Two above each side door and one above the main entrance. The latter and the gable window are cut out in the wall of the model. The windows in the upper row and the doors have grey, convex framing. The windows in the first row are painted on.
Between the two rows of windows on the facade runs a cornice, a protruding horizontal element of the facade. The side walls have a total of thirteen windows.
The model consists of two symmetrical halves – right and left. The division runs in the middle, vertically, from the gable. The model includes the interior as well: columns separating the aisles, with arches between them. The model is presented in such a way that its left half is slightly protruded, showing a fragment of the interior.